Meet The Team
Our team consists of experienced architects who develop the projects starting with a sketch and following it up to complete implementation of intended ideas.
Our studio is featured by a particular attention to details. We believe that it is details that shows the quality of architecture.
In 1995, seven graduates of Architecture Department Bandung Institute of Technology dedicate to build their own architecture studio. HEPTA, the latin word for seven, was chosen as their studio name. As young architectural studio, the seven relied on entering competition to build up their architectural competence; within few months, HEPTA has won three national design competitions of various scales ranging from a housing design competition to an extensive urban revitalization.
Now, HEPTA brings over fiften years of experience on a broad range of projects. HEPTA has undertaken work in architecture, interior design, and master plan. The firm has executed a diverse range of building type including hospitality, office, government building, residential, and memorial.
Since its beginning, HEPTA also kept its creative minds constantly active by doing competitions allow the luxury of experimentation in design and also giving chances to work on more rarified projects ; when you are running a business, you rarely have opportunities to exercise on idealistic ideas. We believe that design competition can act as a catalyst to make us and compotitors strives for a level of architecture excellence that will benefit us all.
Individual commitment to a group effort – that’s what makes a team work, a company work, a society work, a civilization work.
Our team consists of experienced architects who develop the projects starting with a sketch and following it up to complete implementation of intended ideas.
At HEPTA, a design process is usually begin with considerations of the client’s ideas, specific needs and the particularities of the site to establish a strong conceptual framework. A collaborative process with clients, other architect, engineers, specialty consultants, and within the office creates a process that invite ideas to flourish. Throughout this process, the take-and-give of ideas between everyone involved is welcome and encouraged, through a series of focused design meeting. By working closely with clients, their programs, and the potential of each site, HEPTA is able to make architecture that truly responds to the factors that shape each situation, from the big idea to the smallest detail.
As a design firm, HEPTA believes in creative collaboration. We believe that the best architecture can be achieves through a process of intensive, on going dialogue, collaboration, analysis, and application of instinct and insight. We also believe that the collaboration efforts of a varied group of designers and architect would be far more effective than those of any one individual.
We’re fortunate to have worked with some great brands.
Sayembara Taman Budaya Kalimantan Barat (Pontianak)
2019 - 2nd Winner
Sayembara Desain Gedung Arsip Kota Makassar
2019 - 1st Winner
Sayembara Masjid Apung Ancol (Jakarta)
2019 - 2nd Winner
Sayembara Pusat Informasi Pariwisata (Morotai)
2019 - 2nd Winner
Sayembara Revitalisasi Kawasan Monumen Perjuangan Rakyat (MONPERA - Balikpapan)
2019 - 2nd Winner
Sayembara GSG Universitas Diponegoro (Semarang)
2019 - 4th Winner
Sayembara Bandar Udara Sukabumi
2018 - 3rd Winner
Sayembara Tugu Simpang 5 Takengon (Takengon - Aceh)
2018 - 1st Winner
Sayembara Patung Kemayoran (Jakarta)
2018 - 3rd Winner
Sayembara Kantor Bupati Sleman (Sleman - Yogyakarta)
2018 - Finalist
Sayembara Pendopo Lapangan Merdeka (Medan)
2018 - Finalist
'The Most Innovative Design' (Colorbond Awards - Cerita Cafe, Jakarta)
2017 - 1st Winner
'The Most Inspirational for Green Concept Application' (Colorbond Awards - Cerita Cafe, Jakarta)
2017 - Finalist
HDII Awards (Cerita Cafe, Jakarta)
2017 - Finalist
Sayembara Restoran Nusantara (Propan - Morotai)
2017 - 3rd Winner
Gedung Yayasan Badan Wakaf UII (Yogyakarta)
2017 - 2nd Winner
Cyber Borneo Office Design Competition (Balikpapan)
2015 - 3rd Winner
Menara Tegalega Design Competition (Bandung)
2014 - 3rd Winner
Pelindo IV Office Design Competition (Makassar)
2013 - 2nd Winner
ITB Jatinangor Mosque Design Competition (Jatinangor)
2012 - Finalist
Quwwatul Islam Mosque Design Competition (Jogjakarta)
2012 - 3rd Winner
UI Art and Design Faculty Design Competition (Depok)
2010 - Finalist
HKBP Sudirman Design Competition (Medan)
2010 - 3rd Winner
UNM Campus Design Competition (Makassar)
2009 -2nd Winner
DPRD Office Design Competition (Bandung)
2008 - 1st Winner
PUSDATA – PU Building Design Competition (Jakarta)
2007 - 1st Winner
Goverment Office Concept Design Competition (Jakarta)
2006 - 1st Winner
University of Diponegoro Gate Design Competition (Semarang)
2005 - 2nd Winner
Jakarta Monorail Station Design Competition (Jakarta)
2005 - 1st Winner
Minahasa Church Design Competition (Minahasa)
2004 - 1st Winner
Bekasi Monument Design Competition (Bekasi)
2003 - 1st Winner