Published on architecture @12 BCI ASIA magazine
Collaboration with Baskoro Tedjo
Victoria Park Tower is made up of a 300-room hotel, condotel units, commercial area, hospital and exhibition hall located in the eastern part of Indonesia, Ambon.
Besides physical aspects of the location, the architecture of the Tower also into account social and contextual factors. For instance, developing this project by the seaside and Victoria Park, which are considered public areas, would mean a loss of public space, thus a solution would be to create a rooftop garden four storeys above the commercial building.
And since the Tower will be constructed on coastal land, the foundation of the building must not damage the area’s biology and geological structure of the existing beach, i.e., factors such as the reefs, land subsidences, seawatrer intrusion inti the mainkand, etc., must be considered.
Some of the energy efficient building concepts will be applied, such as the use of renewable resources as secondar energy sources (solar, bio-fuel, biomass, etc); harvesting rainwater for reuse/recycling; passive cooling and natural lighting; provision of sufficient vegetation to create a comfortable microclimate around the building; using local materials; and waste disposal management. The building facade has also been designed to avoid solar heat gain; it minimises the use of glass and instead utiliises a special panel material that has thermal cooling properties. The rooftop garden can also help reduce ambient temperatures.
Design Team